Bulk XXL Black Jack 375g


BULK XXL Black Jack pre-workout booster packed with an advanced formula that is designed to keep you at the highest speed throughout the workout. This powerful pre-workout booster contains powerful ingredients such as DMHA, yohimbine and PEA. The dietary supplement will definitely appeal to all people who like strong stimulation, nootropic effects, but also a good muscle pump.

Original price was: 59.90 €.Current price is: 44.90 €.

Kúpte túto položku a získajte 44 bodov - v hodnote 3.52 

BULK XXL Black Jack 375g pre-workout with DMHA

BULK XXL Black Jack pre-workout booster packed with an advanced formula that is designed to keep you at the highest speed throughout the workout. This powerful pre-workout booster contains powerful ingredients such as DMHA, yohimbine and PEA. The dietary supplement will definitely appeal to all people who like strong stimulation, nootropic effects, but also a good muscle pump.

BULK XXL Black Jack is:
strong arousal
considerable pomp
contains nootropics
energy increase
improving muscle strength
What can you expect from using Black Jack pre-workout?

Increased Energy and Concentration
Thanks to its powerful blend of stimulants, BULK XXL Black Jack 375g provides maximum energy and clears the mind. It will prepare your body to fight weights to perform all the assumptions according to the plan.

Increased Strength and Endurance
With the Black Jack booster you will experience noticeable improvements in strength and endurance. Powered by ingredients that improve performance and muscle strength, it will enable you to train harder. Not only will you experience an increase in endurance, but your strength will also improve.

Enhanced Muscle Pump
One of the hallmarks of a good workout is the muscle pump effect – the feeling of blood filling your muscles, giving you a pleasant feeling that your muscles have done a good job. BULK XXL Black Jack contains modern pump-inducing ingredients like agmatine that promote blood flow and nutrient delivery to your muscles

BULK XXL Black Jack no-booster composition:

1 serving, 15 g:

L-Citrulline Malate (2:1) – 6000 mg – is the main ingredient of pre-workout boosters that supports the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide affects the ability of blood to flow through the muscles, which is why you experience the so-called effect during training. muscle pump. This action has other properties, such as the effect on muscle nutrition. Thanks to this, L-Citrulline Malate can help improve muscle performance and strength, as well as accelerate regeneration after intense exercise.

Beta Alanine – 2500 mg – is an amino acid that is designed to increase the level of carnosine in the muscles. Carnosine has a buffering effect on muscle pH, which may delay the onset of fatigue and enable longer training intensity. Beta Alanine is therefore a valuable ingredient for people looking for a way to increase their muscle endurance.

HydroMax – 1500 mg – is a form of glycerol that is designed to increase cellular hydration. This improves the volume of muscle cells, which may contribute to a better muscle pump during training. Additionally, adequate muscle hydration supports their functioning and can help maintain high performance. HydroMax is therefore an important element of pre-workout supplements, supporting intense training.

Agmatine Sulfate – 1000 mg – is a compound that supports the body in the production of nitric oxide, which translates into better blood supply to the muscles and increased performance during training. Thanks to this, supplementing with 1000 mg of agmatine before training may contribute to improving the muscle pump. This is already a solid dose that can fill the muscles with blood as much as possible.

Alpha GPC (50%) – 500 mg – is an ingredient known for its potential to increase the secretion of acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter in the brain. This is especially important for people who train because it can result in better concentration, mental acuity and potentially better results in sports.

Lions Mane Extract – 500 mg – an extract from the Hericium erinaceus mushroom, is another ingredient that may support cognitive abilities. This mushroom is valued for its nootropic properties, which means it can support memory and concentration, which is extremely important during intense training that requires focus and precision.

Rhodiola Rosea (Extract 5%) – 500 mg – is an adaptogenic plant that has been used in traditional Scandinavian and Russian medicine for centuries. In the context of pre-workout supplementation, Rhodiola Rosea may contribute to increasing the body’s resistance to physical and mental stress. Thanks to its adaptogenic properties, it can support better concentration and performance, which is crucial during intense training.

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine – 500 mg – is a modified form of the amino acid tyrosine, which is better absorbed by the body. As a precursor of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, this ingredient may have a positive effect on improving concentration, attention and reducing the feeling of fatigue. In the context of pre-workout boosters, 500 mg N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine may contribute to better focus and motivation, which is invaluable during demanding exercises.

2-Aminoisoheptane – 250 mg – also known as DMHA, is a compound that may have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Maybe increase energy levels, improve concentration and increase motivation to train. This is especially important for people who need additional stimulus for intense physical exercise. DMHA may also help to increase respiratory efficiency, which is important when performing aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

Eria Jarensis – 200 mg – is a plant that is a source of phenethylamine, a compound that stimulates the central nervous system. Its action may help to increase concentration and attention, which is crucial during intense training. Eria Jarensis also supports the secretion of dopamine, which improves mood and motivation to act.

Caffeine Anhydrous – 250 mg – is an energy ingredient that is abundant in coffee. It provides a rapid increase in energy, improving endurance and the ability to perform heavy exercises. Caffeine also helps with concentration and reaction, which is necessary during training requiring precision.

PEA – 150 mg – is an organic chemical compound acting as a neuromodulator in the human brain. PEA can help increase training performance by improving mood and increasing energy. PEA also helps fight fatigue, which allows for longer and more intense training sessions.

Halostachine – 100 mg – is an alkaloid known for its thermogenic properties and the ability to increase the body’s energy efficiency. It can help improve concentration and increase energy levels, which is crucial during intense training. Halostachine may also support the fat burning process, which makes it a popular ingredient in pre-workout supplements for people seeking to lose weight.

Octopamine – 100 mg – like halostachine, is an alkaloid occurring naturally in plants. In sports supplementation, it can act as a stimulant, increasing endurance and focus. This is especially useful in sports requiring long-term effort. Octopamine may also contribute to better fat metabolism, which supports energy processes in the body during physical activity.

Synephrine – 50 mg – is another alkaloid that is used in pre-workout supplements. It can speed up metabolism and increase calorie burning, which is beneficial for both strength and endurance athletes. Synephrine is valued for its thermogenic properties, which may contribute to more effective training and faster recovery after exercise.

Noopept – 30 mg – is a strong nootropic agent that significantly improves cognitive functions. Noopept can increase concentration and memory, which is crucial for physically active people, especially before intense training. It works by modulating glutamatergic receptors and increasing the expression of neurotrophic factors in the brain, which translates into better neuroplasticity and cognitive abilities.

Yohimbine HCL – 2.5 mg – is a known alkaloid with thermogenic properties that may support the reduction of body fat. Its action is to block alpha-2-adrenergic receptors, which may contribute to increased fat burning, especially in resistant areas such as the abdomen or thighs. This is especially desirable in the context of preparation for training, as it can contribute to better energy use and increased exercise efficiency.

Huperzine-A 1% – 100 mcg – is an effective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, which leads to an increase in the level of acetylcholine in the brain. This, in turn, may improve memory and cognitive abilities. Huperzine-A is valued for its neuroprotective effects and potential to improve cognitive function, which can be beneficial before training, increasing focus and effectiveness when learning new techniques or exercises.

BULK XXL Black Jack 375g pre-workout dosage:

1 serving, 15 grams, 30 minutes before training.


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Overený zákazník, 21.08.2024
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Nevím kolik je v 1 kapsli , 250mg nebo 500mg Agmatinu. Ale asi 250mg . Dávkuji podle situace. K Americe dávám 1-2 kapsle. K Evropě dávám 3-4 kapsle.

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Nevím kolik je v 1 kapsli , 250mg nebo 500mg Agmatinu. Ale asi 250mg . Dávkuji podle situace. K Americe dávám 1-2 kapsle. K Evropě dávám 3-4 kapsle.

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Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

Overený zákazník, 21.08.2024
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Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

Overený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Dobře nakopne
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  • Nevím kolik to má kofeinu
  • Celá odměrka-10g může být pro někoho dost

Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

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